• الموقع : كتابات في الميزان .
        • القسم الرئيسي : أخبار وتقارير .
              • القسم الفرعي : أخبار وتقارير .
                    • الموضوع : تشيع ابن المخرج المشهور اوليفر ستون !! .
                          • الكاتب : يوسف جودة .

تشيع ابن المخرج المشهور اوليفر ستون !!

بعد استبصار وركوب سفينة النجاة اخت زوجة توني بلير "لاورين بوث" "Lauren Booth"

يتبعها الآن ابن المخرج صاحب افلام الاوسكار الشهير "اوليفر ستون" "Oliver Stone"

واسمه "شان ستون" "Sean Stone" وغير اسمه الى "علي ستون" "Ali Stone" البالغ من العمر ٢٧ عاماً.

ذهب "علي ستون" من أب يهودي وأم نصرانية لتصوير فلم وثائقي في ايران وبعدها اعلن استبصاره الثلاثاء الماضي.

علماً ان "علي ستون" مثل في افلام ابيه وانتج افلام وثائقية.

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مصدر برس تي في: هنا
مصدر ياهو: هنا

مصدر اعمال اوليفر ستون: هنا
مصدر اعمال علي (شان) ستون: هنا


كافة التعليقات (عدد : 1)

• (1) - كتب : ابو محمد ، في 2012/02/15 .

American actor and documentary filmmaker Sean Stone, son of Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone, converted to Islam during a religious ceremony in Iran.

Stone became a Shia Muslim and chose to be known by the Muslim first name Ali as announced at the ceremony held in the Iranian historical city of Isfahan on February 14.

"The conversion to Islam is not abandoning Christianity or Judaism, which I was born with,” Stone said.

“It means I have accepted Mohammad (PBUH) and other prophets," he added in a brief telephone call.

Born to a Jewish father and Christian mother, Stone did not say why he converted to Islam.

Stone who visited Iran several months ago said he needed to know more about Persian culture and civilization and become familiar with Iranian traditions and rituals.

Stone referred to Iran as one of Asia's major filmmaking centers saying that he “would like to introduce Persian culture and civilization to the West.”

The 27-year-old filmmaker is a graduate of history from Princeton University and has collaborated on many of his father's projects such as the 2004 Alexander. He has also directed a handful of documentaries.

Sean is not the first renowned celebrity who has converted to Islam. The English singer and songwriter Cat Stevens converted to Islam in 1977 and adopted the name Yusaf Islam.

The prominent boxer Muhammad Ali (born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr.) also converted to Islam in 1964.

هنيئا له ركوب سفينة النجاة

  • المصدر : http://www.kitabat.info/subject.php?id=14206
  • تاريخ إضافة الموضوع : 2012 / 02 / 15
  • تاريخ الطباعة : 2025 / 03 / 19